
Along with some basic information, we have provided links to wikipedia pages so you can read more detailed descriptions of each pest. Simply click on the name of the pest for the link.

For all pests on this page, service to get rid of them is a monthly or bi-monthly application of pesticide and baiting unless otherwise noted. 

Common Pest Identification

 Common Pest Identification German Cockroach

Approximately 1/2 to 5/8″ long, both male and female are light brown with wings, but they can not fly. They love to hide in dark areas like kitchens, bathrooms, food preparation and storage areas. The are sensitive to light and reproduce quickly. Females are able to produce about 30 eggs every few weeks, and a single female can produce over 30,000 eggs in a year. It is the most common species of cockroach found in human inhabitant areas.  The German Cockroach is associated with allergens which cause asthma and have been implicated in the spread of diseases. This persistent pest MUST be controlled before a serious infestation occurs. The EPA has some suggestions for controlling cockroaches.


American Cockroach

aka waterbug, flying waterbug, and the palmento bug. 1-1/2 inches long reddish brown with a pale brown or yellow border on the upper body. Both male and female have wings and they can fly. They like dark moist areas, like around the bath tub or drain pipes, sewers, steam tunnels and storm drains.


Oriental cockroach

aka waterbug, black beetle, or shad roach. 1 inch in length on average very dark brown or nearly black usually have a greasy sheen to their bodies. Females appear to be wingless but are not. Male wings are shorter than body. Only a rare male is able to fly a very short distance of about 2-3 meters, otherwise they can’t fly. Preferring a dark damp place, they are usually found in flower beds, under mulch or decaying organic matter, basements, garages and homes surrounded by vegetation as well as ground floors. They cannot climb well. The Oriental cockroach is more difficult to get rid of than other roaches.

Brown Banded Cockroach

Approximately 1/2″ long, with two lighter brown bands across their dark brownish bodies. Males can fly with wings that reach beyond the tip of their pointed abdomen. Females have under-developed wings. Brown Banded cockroach prefers dryer and warmer areas over 80º F. They prefer higher locations than most species and are often found in upper cabinets in kitchens and bathrooms.



Adult is approx 1 1/2″ long, dark brown to mahogany in color. It is closely related to the American cockroach but it has a more uniform dark brown-mahogany color. They like to take refuge in areas such as attics, under shingles or siding. Sometimes will get into trees, shrubs or other vegetation during summer months. It requires water every 2-3 days. They are typically found in the Southeastern US and Gulf Coastal States as well as long the southern Mississippi River.





Fleas are wingless insects and agile and adults are between 1/16″ to 1/8″ long. They are able to jump vertically up to 7 inches and horizontally up to 13 inches. Their primary goal is to find blood and reproduce. They are attracted to vibration and heat. If fleas are found and the source is not a household animal (Dog, Cat, etc.) tracking them in then we offer a monthly or bi monthly application of pesticide that will rid your household or business of them. If it is a household animal, there are over the counter products you can purchase to help.
WE DO NOT DO TENT FUMIGATION FOR FLEAS OR TICKS because less invasive methods are sufficient to treat the pest.


earwig pincher bug

Also called Pincher bugs. Pincer abdomen some are scavengers that feed on dead animals, insects and plant material and some are predatory. They inhabit small crevices and are nocturnal. If they get into a home structure they are in large numbers and behave like cockroaches hiding in voids until night time. Earwigs do have wings but rarely use their flying ability. They live for about a year after hatching.